The beginning of August, the vacation month of the year. Everybody is in beach and holiday mode and what better to accompany this joyful period and the summer sun with a traditional freshly homemade Spanish Gazpacho. There are many different recipes out there, ours is a simple version, quick and very easy to make.
- 1kg Ripe Plum tomatoes. (Tip: If it hasn’t been refrigerated for a couple days, better)
- 1 small Cucumber
- 1 clove of garlic for every kg of tomato
- 1/2 Green Pepper for every kg of tomato
- 100ml Olive oil
- 4tbls Red wine vinegar or Sherry vinegar
- 1 slice of white bread
- Salt
- Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water then peel the tomatoes.
- Peel the cucumber and slice
- Chop the green pepper
- Soak the bread in water
- Add all to a blender along with the clove of garlic and blend for a minute. Then add salt, vinegar and the olive oil to taste. Continue until everything is smoothly blended.
- Pass through a fine sieve into a bowl. Once finished put in the fridge and let it cool.
It is recommended to have the gazpacho as chilled as possible, but don’t add ice to it. Pour and enjoy with a glass of white wine. Preferably one of ours! Enjoy the Summer.